In 1861, Moise and Marie-Anne Allard have not yet recovered from the difficult birth of their first son, Moses, when Marie-Anne’s brother, her cousin and an old friend join thousands of young Detroiters marching off to war, returning four long years later as Detroit enters the industrial age. The Allards are guided by their unforgettable great-grandmother, Mimi Balard, while being threatened by their old nemesis, Fillmore P. Shakley, a slave catcher turned carpetbagger, when he returns to Detroit for revenge.
As a young adult, Moses Allard leaves the farm for marriage and the city life but eventually returns to the farm weary of labor unrest. While the 19th century comes to a close, the groundwork is laid for Detroit’s famous crime syndicate which will deeply affect the family into the 20th century and Book Eight.
All of Dr. Kreis’ books are available in print and Kindle format on Amazon.com. Read More
In 1861, Moise and Marie-Anne Allard have not yet recovered from the difficult birth of their first son, Moses, when Marie-Anne’s brother, her cousin and an old friend join thousands of young Detroiters marching off to war, returning four long years later as Detroit enters the industrial age. The Allards are guided by their unforgettable great-grandmother, Mimi Balard, while being threatened by their old nemesis, Fillmore P. Shakley, a slave catcher turned carpetbagger, when he returns to Detroit for revenge.
As a young adult, Moses Allard leaves the farm for marriage and the city life but eventually returns to the farm weary of labor unrest. While the 19th century comes to a close, the groundwork is laid for Detroit’s famous crime syndicate which will deeply affect the family into the 20th century and Book Eight.
All of Dr. Kreis’ books are available in print and Kindle format on Amazon.com. Read More